The North West Regional Information Strategy for Young People with Disabilities was launched by Natalie Suleyman MP on 1 June 2016 at the Visy Cares Hub in Sunshine.
The North West Regional Information Strategy for Young People with Disabilities aims to support a consistent approach and standards in making information accessible to young people with disabilities and their families.
The strategy was developed by a Working Group of cross sector representatives from the North and West Melbourne region. Representatives from schools, local government, further education and training and service providers all contributed to the the development of the strategy by being active members of the Working Group.
The vision of the strategy is that young people with disabilities and their families and carers will have consistent and convenient access to information in order to make informed decisions that enable them to participate in their communities fully.
The objectives of the strategy are that information is made available in:
A timely manner
A range of places
A range of formats
Strategy partners will work towards the objectives
within their own organisations
with other organisations and
with young people and their families and carers
Brooke Briody, campus Principal of the Northern School for Autism was Master of Ceremonies on the day.
Speakers at the launch included:
Jason Heagarty, a person living with a disability
Meri Ivanovska, Manager of CTS
Natalie Suleyman MP, Member for St Albans representing Jenny Mikakos MP, Minister for Families and Children and Minister for Youth Affairs
John Tanner AM, Brimbank City Council Administrator
Alison Templar, Project Coordinator, CTS
Damir Lendich, Coordinator of Youth Services, Brimbank City Council.
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