Thank you to TarraWarrama Museum of Art for selecting one of my images of Patricia Piccinini's Skywhale hot air balloon as a prize winner in the galleries photo comp.
I was one of seven photographers to win a double pass to the gallery to see the 'Through love ...'!' exhibition by Patricia Piccinini & Joy Hester.
I will take the opportunity to go on Sunday 6 January when Skywhale will be hovering above the museum grounds to get a few more images of this magical mythical creature.
Congrats to the other photographers: @yarravalleyinbw, @honeycut, @kimevansart, @yarravalleyinbw, @honeycut, @kimevansart and @jaq_w.
So if you haven't yet seen Skywhale or the "Through love ...!" exhibition it it still, make sure you see Skywhale's last appearance in Melbourne.