This Creative Portrait shoot was inspired by the Marie Antionette and the Rococo era, it was shot on location at The Potterage, at Menzies Creek. The Queen of frivolity and excess, Marie-Antoinette led Rococo fashion with huge, poufy hairstyles, enormous pannier skirts and all manner of decorative frills, feathers and bows.
The Potterage, is a private home with vintage, high ceilings, exposed beams, chandeliers, barn doors, antiques, distressed walls, balcony, cottage garden, woodland garden, statues, loft,dark floor boards, hand painted wallpaper.
CConcept and Art Direction: Julie Powell Photography
Models: Felicity was in the Peach dress – Instagram @felicitylampert Raneem was in the Blue - Instagram @curly_ranoz
Make-up & Wigs: Teighan Felton - Instagram @@teighanleehmua
Photos: Vicki Walsh
